Friday, May 27, 2011

2011 Bikini Trend

The beauty of a woman is not only seen from the outside only, the beauty of the body part in need to be considered as well, because that section is very sensitive to radiate the beauty of a woman. Like the bikini, always experiencing growth and style. This is because women have started to realize the importance of underwear. The comfort factor of course is considered by designers. However, the most attractive, bikini in 2011 did provide characteristic sensuality with attractive colors and simple with delicate motifs.

2011 bikini trend

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tips on choosing handbags

Choosing Handbags

Beauty is very coveted a woman. No doubt, a woman would be willing to buy a wide range of ancillary equipment must mengeluaran beauty although a lot of money. Various trends of the world is always considered in order to always say charming. So also in the choice bag for a bag to support a woman's beauty. There are tips for you in choosing and treat bags.
  1. Bags and shoes do not have the same color. You do not want to be called "Miss Matching” right?
  2. Hit the colors and motifs being in the moment. So, do not hesitate to combine fashion with patterned bag or a contrasting color.
  3. To be durable, store the bag in a plastic bag or special flannel.
  4. Enter the silica gel into the bag, so as not to damp.

Tips arrange clothes in the closet

arrange clothes in the closet

No doubt many women who like to buy clothes, but not many women are able to collect the clothes that are bought with good. Often a woman will find it hard to find clothes that fit dilemarinya. Maybe it could have the clothes are located is not in memory anymore. Here are tips to make your clothes in the closet.
  1. Sort clothing by color for easy to find when needed, and make clothing more durable.
  2. Hanging clothes wrinkle, usually made from cotton. Do not hang clothing made from chiffon, wool, or knitting because it will ruin its shape.
  3. Clothing made from a soft chiffon given a thin layer of paper between the folds, and should be separate from other clothing made.
  4. For a suit, first with plastic wrap before hanging.
  5. We recommend that sequined dress, like dress, is inserted into the storage box that are not easily damaged.
  6. Enter the clothing made from wool into a plastic fiber can survive for much longer and far from moths.
  7. Avoid storing belt coiled manner. We recommend that you save by hanging.
  8. Do not forget to replace the paper coating on a regular basis and add camphor or substance that can absorb the humidity cabinet.

Friday, May 20, 2011

2011 Trend Eye Glasses

It seems that the trend in 2011 for accessories eye glass is cat eye glasses. It seems a trend of the past which was reintroduced. The designers modify slightly the form of glass eyes for to be used or adapted to form the face. Color choices become pleasure of its users. But some people still choose the black color because it was considered best suited to a variety of conditions. Customize your choice of eye glass trend this latest model.

Cat Eye Glasses

cat eye glasses-color choice

suitability of the face with eye glasses